Pray for Dan and Sarah Chetti serving in Lebanon in theological education and ministering to immigrants and refugees.

For the last few years, Sarah has been pioneering a ministry among foreign migrant women working as maids in Lebanon.

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Maya Giovanetti engaged in ministries of discipleship and peace and justice in Colombia.

Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain and Nicaragua. UNIBAUTISTA has invited them to continue this work with ethnic groups in one of the most neglected areas of Colombia, the Guajira Northern Region.

En Armonía… / In Harmony…

Marzo: “Qué bueno y qué agradable es cuando el pueblo de Dios se reúne en armonía.” (Salmos 133.1 PDT) Eso esperamos experimentar este mes en las asambleas anuales de las …

Pray for Debbie and Keith Myers training Christian leaders and encouraging Christians in Central Mexico.

Debbie and Keith serve in Central Mexico to provide pastoral accompaniment to the indigenous churches. This consists of training pastors, church leaders, youth leaders and teachers for the children.

Pray for Peter and Sarah McCurdy serving pastors and those pursuing a call to ministry and their families in Costa Rica

Peter and Sarah’s hope is that, through their ministries, hearts and minds will be changed and people will grow into the image of Christ.

Pray for Jeanine and Walt White, Global Consultants, helping Christian workers reach underserved religious groups with the Gospel.

Jeanine and Walt serve as International Ministries global consultants, training teams working with historically underserved religious groups including pastors, missionaries, development workers and partners, teaching them to be more effective communicators of the good news of Jesus Christ.