Drs Anita and Rick Gutierrez are both family physicians and are serving as global servants in South Africa. The focus of their ministry is to train and equip local individuals, who are known as health builders, to make a difference in both the physical and spiritual health of their community.
Jeni serves on the leadership team at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Established in 1987, the New Life Center serves young ethnic minority (tribal) women who are at risk for, or survivors of, human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse.
Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums.
Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders.
Juan and Denise serve in partnership with the Council of Rural Indigenous Evangelicals of Mexico (Consejo Indígena Campesino Evangélico de México, CICEM) in Chiapas, Mexico. They both work in training, prevention and education as they learn the community needs and look for ways to emotionally and economically empower leaders in their communities.
Nora and Pieter are regional missionaries serving as coordinators of short-term mission (STM) with the European Baptist Federation. They facilitate life-changing mission experiences by matching the interests of volunteers with the needs of the 50+ Baptist conventions in Europe and the Middle East.