Faye Carol Yarbrough of Gardena, California, has been endorsed to serve as an International Ministries missionary in King Williams Town, South Africa, as a teacher of math and science.
The Rev. Dr. Rodney Ragwan was recently selected as director of Mission Mobilization for International Ministries. He began his service in this key leadership position on June 1.
International Ministries has received an emergency relief grant of $8,500 from One Great Hour of Sharing to respond to the critical needs in Latin America following the deadly volcanic eruption in Guatemala and the violence in Nicaragua.
In A Flower with Roots, retired missionary Roberta Stephens tells the story of the girls’ school in Japan where she taught for 18 years and explores the backdrop of war, personality conflicts, financial hardship and ethnic prejudice.
The Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, general secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA, in consultation with leaders and global servants from International Ministries, wrote a letter to the Consulate General of Nicaragua in Washington DC to express American Baptist concern over recent events in Nicaragua.
After more than 200 years of missionary service in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar (formerly Burma), the leadership of International Ministries (IM) and the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) were delighted to welcome Myanmar’s ambassador to the United States to the Valley Forge offices on May 16. The meetings were hosted by the Burma Refugees Commission of the ABCUSA.