Posted on February 23, 2019 Big Changes are Coming – Preparing for US Assignment
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Big changes are coming…but what exactly are those changes?

It’s hard to believe that in just over two months our family will find ourselves relocated back in the US for our one-year home assignment, and while that doesn’t bring a lot of changes for all of you, it does mean a move across the world for us! We’ve heard a lot of questions coming in from friends and supporters, and this is a great time to answer some of those.

So that’s what we’re talking about when we say “home assignment.” We’re looking forward to seeing so many of you during that time. Be sure to have your church contact us to schedule a time for us to visit!

Have a question we didn’t answer?
Just ask! We encourage you to keep in touch with us – we love to hear from you, whether by email (you can respond directly to this post using the CONTACT US button below, or email us at or by Facebook message at The Witmers in Thailand. Thanks so much for your prayers and support. The love of the Lord Jesus be with you all.