Posted on April 15, 2018 Bicycle Evangelism
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Bicycle Evangelism

Our family loves to bicycle. This is very good for us because bicycles are a popular form of transportation in Hungary. Children and adults alike use bikes to go everywhere, even in the winter. Now that the weather is nice, there are as many bicycles as there are cars. Two of our kids are beginning bike riders. It is difficult to be a new bike rider and learn to ride on cobblestone sidewalks, navigate around pedestrians, and to use bike signals. However, understanding momentum can help. It is true that an object in motion stays in motion.

Bicycling is like living on mission with Christ. Jesus is already at work in the world around us and life is most fulfilling when we move in His direction. For us, it means that we are serving Him though learning the Hungarian language and sharing the good news of Jesus through building relationships. We know that we are just beginning this ministry in Hungary, but it is an awesome joy to be in motion with Jesus.

SixGoods Go Update

Many of you know that Amanda’s father died at the beginning of April. Thank you so much for the encouraging words you shared. Thank you especially for praying. The Lord provided energy and strength throughout the time she was in America.

Our family continues with language learning and ministry. Jon preached a few messages at our Hungarian church. Amanda shared a testimony at a women’s conference. Rachel was asked to share her testimony in front of her whole school. Sarah was chosen to teach her English class in her teacher’s absence two times. Elizabeth gave a science presentation using Hungarian vocabulary. Andrew continues to make friends and can speak a little to them in Hungarian. Recently a stranger stopped us on the tram. He was impressed with the kids’ pronunciation of difficult Hungarian words. Please pray that we will all learn to communicate in the Hungarian language and that the opportunity to share Jesus remains open here in Hungary.

We would love to keep in touch with you and know how to pray for you. Email us and follow us on Facebook!

Yours in Christ,

Amanda and Jon Good