Posted on December 17, 2020 Be Thankful in all Circumstances
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Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’ s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5:18.


Dear Loved Ones,


Greetings. We wish you all a Blessed Merry Christmas and Richly Happy New Year 2021. Throughout the years, the eye clinic has learned to be thankful to God. We have gone through the ups and downs of life in Haiti. We have seen and heard a lot. In the midst of this troubled life, God has been good and continue to use us as His feet and the hands to care for others as He cares for us.


Each year we end up the year with some special occasions where we go treat people in their villages and we offer to our patient’s free services or at reduced cost.   The week of November, we organized two of such mobil services in Fort-Liberte and at the border city of Ouanimanthe.


This past week, on Friday December 4, we had such special occasion at the eye clinic in Cap-Haitian. We consulted 91 patients. We gave out more than 22 reading glasses to the needed patients. 30 people were diagnosed with glaucoma and we will now be closely following them to avoid becoming blind.  10 people had cataracts without knowing it and 20 with different problems: kyste, infection…


So, the year to come is looking bright to those who can be able:

– to read again,

-see again,

– continue to provide for their families again,

-continue seeing again thanks to the dynamic team who will remove their cataracts,


Let us all join hands in praising and giving thanks to God that we are close to seeing another year in spite the pandemic.


May God richly bless you


Please be praying for one of our staff members.  Gangs broke into her house at gun point last night taking with them 3 computers laptops, wedding rings, 4 or 5 telephones and everything else they were able to lift that night.


In Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi.


Dear supporters,


Once again, the eye clinic provides hope and service to some of the poorest people on earth.  Doing mobile work without a vehicle is exceedingly difficult.  The last journal where I talked about this situation several people expressed interest in helping replace the wrecked vehicle.  We are working on a program accomplish this.  You will hear it about soon.  Our experience with buying used vehicles in Haiti has not been good.  They normally have over 100000 miles on them on the roughest roads I have ever seen.  We have a missionary source for getting new vehicles at good prices we will working with.  Shipping, duty and security all have to be taken into account.  I know of a case where the car arrived without headlights.


The last paragraph of this journal points out how bad Haiti has become.  Please pray that some calming force can turn things around.




Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate