Posted on August 27, 2018 Bad Medical Info
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My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6a.


Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. You read in our journal on how stressful the beginning of July was. Kihomi got caught in Darbonne, where she went for training and supervision. Since then, her blood pressure has been acting up, up & down all day, and it was making her very uncomfortable.

A friend who is a nurse came to visit to support and comfort us. She came with her glucometer. The next morning, she poked Kihomi to find out that Kihomi blood sugar level was 370. She was panicked. So Kihomi and I became panicked also. The nurse suggested starting the insulin right away. We were wondering now what to do.

We decided to try the Haitian tea that helps lower blood sugar. The nurse left Kihomi with her glucometer to check her blood level twice a day . Every time, her blood sugar level was going up and up. One morning it hit 487. We were more panicked and we did not know who to call and what  to do. You can imagine the multitude of ideas that were running in our heads.

In our uncertain situation, God inspired us to go to the eye clinic and test it at our own lab. Amazingly, our lab result showed that Kihomi’s blood sugar was normal. The same blood simple showed the result of over 404 in our friend’s glucometer.

Our nurse friend meant well. However, we wonder how many patients have been victims of bad equipment in our hospitals/clinics. We wonder what would happen if Kihomi started taking insulin already?

Thank you for praying daily and supporting us.  If you are interested in sending a glucometer/strips/lancets to our labs and clinics please send them to us via:

Nzunga Mabudiga

Agape Flights

100 Airport Ave.

Venice, Fl. 34285

In Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear Friends,


As an old man I have had many visits to our medical world here.  After 3 doctors and two MRI’s and many, many x-rays on my bad hip they all were in agreement; they do not know what is wrong.  Now all I have to do is try to figure out what is going on with the bills and Medicare. You can imagine what it is like in a country that is way behind on medical technology and training. Who knows how much bad information is being delivered to patients.


If you would like to help out with the medical equipment that Nzunga references in his journal remember you have to pay twice to get to to him.  First to send it to Agape Flights in Venice FL and then $4 a pound for them to fly it to Haiti.  We have problems with this every year and sometimes get a substantial bill at the end of the year due to unpaid transportation costs.   If you try to send it any other way, at best they might get the empty box.


In Christ,


Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate