Posted on September 21, 2021 Back to School 2021!
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We returned to Hungary safe and sound August 24th. Thank you for your prayers and kind messages on Facebook! It’s so encouraging to see that you’ve been praying for us. We had a very easy trip, all things considered.
It is so nice to be back here. We really do feel at home in Hungary–and we love the food!

Debrecen Sausage, Pork Knuckle, and Sour Kraut!

School has started. It’s so nice to be back to in-person teaching, to be with my students and receive their hugs and love.
Your Stantons are involved in all their normal school activities: folk dance, music…Brandy is trying something new this year! We’ll let you know how it goes…
I also started a White Cross project to help my school. We have a goal of $15,000 over three years. This will help upgrade our computers, buy new books and teaching resources, pay student exam fees and encourage the teachers. It’s been like Christmas, getting to see the staff choose technology and teaching materials to enhance their excellent teaching.

The average teacher salary in Hungary is $3/hr

Amazingly, the first installment of the White Cross gift came at exactly the right time: we are running out of space, and need to equip another classroom with a computer and projector. One morning, the staff were shaking their heads, saying there’s no money left, sorry, we can’t help it; that afternoon they were being told they had an unexpected budget to spend! Beáta, the head of the language program and a fellow believer, knows this is how Our Father works!
Larry was invited to attend the annual gathering of the Rocky Mountain Region September 23-25.

He likes to call himself RWA: “Ready, Willing, and Able”

We are so grateful for this invitation from the Rocky Mountain Region. Please pray for his safe travels, for good new connections to be made, and for us at home without him!
In spite of the joy of being back in school, we know that COVID is likely to return this fall. Last year, we provided meals for teachers and staff at my school who got COVID; we also shared a wonderful short book by John Piper called “Coronavirus and Christ” it’s available for free on his website here: Please pray that we can continue this ministry if the virus returns. If your church would like to join us in this or other ministries, you can make donations to “Stantons: Undesignated Specifics.” And please pray that hearts are softened and we can share Jesus’ real love, hope and forgiveness.
Please let us know if you or your church has any questions. Please pray for us, that our work can continue!
Thank you for your support, prayers, and love,
Larry and Becky

PS: if you have Facebook, you can find lots of pictures and videos to share by clicking on our page, Stanton Global Servants