Posted on October 15, 2022 Autumn Update
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It’s been a full and exciting autumn here in sunny Téglás!

School is moving right along.

My classes are going well. Before we became missionaries, I was a high school English teacher in southern Illinois. Teaching elementary school was a new adventure for me, but now that we’ve been here for eight years, I think I’m getting the hang of it! I told Larry the first graders seemed especially wild, and he reminded me I say that every year! Ah, yes. Like childbirth, we forget how difficult it is!

Our own children are doing well. Brandy is continuing her violin lessons, and we are happy that she is doing well in Hungarian. Maggie likes the middle school, with more freedom and a small shop where they can buy snacks! Her classes are more difficult this year, with chemistry and physics added to higher level literature and history (Hungarian, of course!), but we think she is up for the challenge.

Maggie’s best friend has a new baby sister!

Ruth is blossoming in Budapest! I’m sure I have several new gray hairs from the experience, but Ruth loves her new school and even the dormitory. She confidently navigates the city, and even told us that if Larry and I had to leave Hungary, she would stay! This is music to my ears.

Ruth rides the train like a pro!

In September we had a very nice visit from our International Ministries area director, Charles Jones. He visited my classes and shared about his life. The kids very much enjoyed it.

Great discussions take place around this table in Elizabeth’s office

Then he travelled with Larry in the Lada to meet with Pastor Zoltán. Charles wrote a very kind email after the trip, thanking Larry for the enjoyable trip in his dear little car, and telling us how proud he is that we have made relationships—his prime directive for us when we first started on the mission field.

Charles, Zoltán, and Larry

Larry will attend the Great Rivers Region convention at the end of October, so catch him there.

Please do continue your prayers for Europe as the war in Ukraine drags on. Please pray for those who will be hit the hardest by these difficult conditions.

As always, you can follow our updates on our Facebook page: and you can contact us by email at We enjoy hearing from you!