Posted on December 14, 2023 Arts for Community-Based Healing
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Health and Wellness Health and Wellness

I am thrilled to share the latest news of a new upcoming project entitled Arts for Community-Based Healing, which will be implemented through a collaboration between New Life Center Foundation and Bond Street Theatre in New York City. Bond Street Theatre “initiates theatre-based projects for conflict resolution, education, and empowerment in critical areas worldwide”. 


Funded by the US Embassy in Bangkok, this project will support the formation and training of a Creative Arts Team in northern Thailand. Two trainers from Bond Street Theatre will come to Thailand in February 2024 to facilitate a 40-hour training over the course of five days using their innovative methods for psychosocial support. Ten participants will explore visual arts and theater methodologies and exchange ideas for viable solutions to address mental health issues impacting marginalized communities in northern Thailand. The team will co-develop a curriculum that includes theater exercises, art therapy, role play, storytelling, play development, poetry, and other proven methods of psychosocial support for sustainable community engagement. 


After the training, the team will implement five workshops for marginalized people groups using the curriculum they have jointly developed. This program embodies our shared commitment to empowering communities to use the arts for collective healing. 


Thank you for your prayers and continued support that enable me to serve in Thailand, facilitating community-based healing through creative expression.