A long wait, yet now grateful for a place to call home.
The darkness inside the small home stood in stark and gloomy contrast to the breathtaking expanse of the towering Himalaya mountains in Nepal, endless blue skies and rolling fields just outside the front door. The Bonjon family of seven invited us into their home to shelter us from a sudden downpour outside. This two-room earthen-floor home including a loft held the strong odor of burned wood from the open wood fire pit in the corner. My short-term mission team from International Ministries made ourselves as comfortable as possible crouching on the dirt floor opposite the family.
Miles from the nearest neighbor, the Bonjon’s original home was totally destroyed and all their belongings lost in the 2015 earthquake. After the quake a tin-roof shed supplied by the Nepal government provided “temporary” shelter for the Buddhist family. Weeks led to months and months to nearly a year and a half. Thanks to donors to the Nepal Earthquake Relief fund through One Great Hour of Sharing, this new home was constructed in 11 months’ time with stone found on the property, covered in a plaster mix of mud and cow dung. OGHS Nepal Earthquake Relief fund purchased the materials and local labor was used to keep the costs down. IM’s partner, Multipurpose Community Development Service worked with the local Nepal government to assure that building standards were being met.
Mrs. Bonjon commented, “Because of your support [through IM and OGHS] life is better for us now. Many good works have been done with your help. Thank you.”