Posted on March 13, 2018 A Language Learning Adventure
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Sziasatok! (Hello Everyone)

Every missionary knows the importance of language learning. The most important message the world has ever known is the good news of Jesus. The best way to share this message is by speaking the language of your culture. While Hungarian is a difficult language for English speakers, we are excited about learning and speaking it for the sake of the gospel message.

We also know that our learning will take time and provide many laughable moments.  Shortly after we arrived in Debrecen, the children noticed that there was a Burger King in town advertising hot dogs. One of the kids really wanted a hot dog, so I stepped up to order and said in Hungarian, “May I have a hot dog?” The woman behind the counter looked confused and then offered to get six hot dogs. I said, “No, thank you. I just want one.” I smiled and quickly remembered that the English word “hot” sounds similar to the Hungarian word “hat,” which means the number six. Thankfully, we were able to change the order from six hot dogs to just one.

There are many language blunders we could share. Yet, we rest confidently knowing that God was willing do much more than learn a second language. Through Jesus, God was willing to embrace our broken human experience. Jesus lived a fully human life and died a painful human death for the sake of the gospel message. Today, we celebrate that Jesus defeated death, rose from the grave, and still offers both abundant and eternal life.

Thank you for your support and prayer. We praise the Lord for your partnership in the gospel. Together, we are able to make a difference in the lives of people here in Hungary. Please pray that the window of opportunity remains open and that Christ will continue to work in amazing ways.

Yours in Christ,

Jon and Amanda Good