Posted on March 9, 2023 A Day in the DR
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Dear Loved Ones,


Greeting. We are starting to enjoy our Spanish classes.


Why? Because we are now being tutored by the same professors after they finish with regular classes. We were making fools of ourselves sitting in the same class with those young Haitians who live here and who have been practicing the language on daily basis.


We know how to go from our house to the school. We have been using the same route since we started almost a week ago now. This morning was different. We left our house and got to the gate where we met the gate keeper. This guy has seen us go and come back. He never talked to us. We waive hands, that is about it.


Interestingly today he started talking to us, pointing to our apartment, and talked about the garbage to deposit so that he would help pick up. We understood what he said because we heard the word “basura” means garbage and signs he was using to talk to us. Then he started to talk about a store ” La Fuente” that is across our school. Maybe he thought we were going there, he asked us to fellow him.


We thought that he was going to show us a short cut to the school. Not understanding what he was saying and what he wanted, we both started following him in  the same route we always take. We did not know how to tell him in Spanish that we know our way to school.


He was about the enter the store but we stopped him, and we showed him the school building across the store. He crossed the street with us, up to the stairs to the second floor. We  got to the door of our school and he pointed us to the door. To be polite, we had to tip him for being kind and showing us the way we always use to the school.


At the end of the day, we both start laughing at ourselves for following the guy who showed us the route we know well.


Please be praying for us so that God can always send us His angels to help when in need.




nzunga & kihomi


Dear supporters,


I was privileged during my corporate and navy days to travel internationally.  Being in a place where you don’t understand what people are saying and can’t even read signs on stores can be daunting.  A menu is really a challenge.  In Iceland once I got a slab of thick bread with a yellow spread (Mayonnaise?) and a few small shrimp dropped on it.  It is also an adventure if you have the right mind set.  You can see they are enjoying the situation and getting up to speed quickly. I never learned the word for garbage in Japan, Sweden, France, Germany, or Iceland so they are ahead of me.