Cold Days Warm Hearts
Jesus prepares breakfast over a hot fire for the disciples in John chapter 21. It was a warm message of hope after His death and resurrection. Jesus was confirming that He is alive and at work in the world! We celebrate this message of hope and can see that Christ is at work all around us.
We have been invited to help our Hungarian partners start two new outreach ministries. The first is a family ministry featuring English at the school. Many families are open to the good news of Jesus, but do not know Him nor attend church. We hope to help create an opportunity for fellowship and learning, where the Gospel is clearly communicated in love. The second is an outreach to English speakers in Debrecen through worship and Bible study. In addition to over 5,000 international students at the University of Debrecen, there are multiple international corporations whose employees speak English. We pray that Jesus will be lifted up and that new churches will be born.
Thank You!
We praise the Lord that Christ is warming hearts here in Debrecen! Thank you for making it possible to join in God’s work here. Your partnership in the Gospel is a blessing to us and to so many people here in Hungary. We are filled with gratitude because of your prayer and financial support.
Family News
All of us continue to learn the Hungarian language. We are thankful that our children like their schools, classmates, and teachers. Their most difficult subjects are Hungarian history, literature, and the sciences. It takes much time and effort to learn in Hungarian during the day and then repeat the lessons in English in the evening.
Prayer Requests
Thank you again for all of your love, care, prayer, and support. How can we pray for you or for your church? Please write to us and let us know.