Revs. Suzi & Jim Harriff, Pastors of three churches in the West Syracuse area share reflections of their journeys to the second home God has been calling them to since 2005.
“Nearly 25 years after the horrific 1994 genocide, Rwanda continues its miraculous recovery! Through various microenterprise co-operatives and numerous spiritual and social programs of reconciliation, healing and forgiveness, Rwanda continues to rebuild lives, families and communities. We have had the joy of sharing in these miracles for 13 years! If anyone is interested in joining and/or supporting the June 2019 team, please contact Rev. Suzi at or Rev. Jim at or Eastern Hills Bible Church, Rwanda Ministries, P.O. Box 22, Manlius, NY 13104.
The Kindergarten class in Gitarama, where additional blessings have made it possible to hire a second teacher and double the number of students.
A project of Kitchen gardens, where families are able to plant a variety of vegetables using little space, limited soil and conservation techniques to minimize the need for watering and weeding.
A support group of women caring for children with a variety of physical and mental challenges “different abilities” (and not disabilities). Frederick who was maimed in the genocide, built a clinic that cares for the disabled. It is called Ubumwe ‘True Community’
Blessings of love, joy and grace are received and given. Friendships are cemented through the Interfaith Cooperative of Muslim and Christian women who work together to create beautiful bedding and manufacture low fuel high-efficiency stoves. “