April 10, 2018 STEP – China
[pie chart]5%Support Raised
[world map] China push-pin China
Education Education
GoalThe goal of this project is to enable 100 orphaned children in China to get an education
SummaryThis project seeks to raise $34,000 each school year to expand from supporting 18 children to 100.
DescriptionHonghong, a first-grader, and his brother Zhouzhou, a sixth-grader, live with their elderly grandparents on one acre of land in China. Their small income from growing corn and wheat would make it difficult to provide what the boys need to stay in school without the help of STEP, the Student Tuition Education Program. STEP funds provide clothing, food and school supplies. This program currently sponsors 18 orphaned children in China, making it possible for them to continue their education so they can break free of the cycle of poverty. This project will allow the Amity Foundation who manages this project, to expand the program to assist 100 children in China through STEP.
Suggested Gifts$260 covers a year of elementary school. $520 covers a year of high school.
Prayer RequestsPray with our partners in China that STEP funds will provide the necessary food, clothing and school supplies so these children can complete their education and grow into adults who work and serve with a spirit of love in their communities.
Managed ByBen Chan