Posted on October 10, 2024 An Appeal on Behalf of the Victims of the War in Lebanon

Dear Faithful Partners:

The recent conflicts in Lebanon have left countless innocent lives shattered, maimed and displaced. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must act with compassion and love. Our Enduring Love missionaries, joining our two partnering churches in Ain Zhalta and Beirut, are aiming to provide vital aid.

Thousands of people fled their homes without a place to rest. Many have flocked to the main streets to the beaches of Lebanon, sitting and sleeping in the open. The physical, mental, and psychological trauma will linger on for a long time.

The constant rocket fire and falling bombs have terrorized the civilians. This bombardment has impacted eight residential areas in southern Lebanon. One mother implored, “We are anxious all night. The hardest part was explaining to my children what was happening. They were shaking with fear and are now deeply traumatized.”

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Please Act in the Name of Jesus!
Will you join us in bringing hope and comfort to the victims of war in Lebanon? Please donate generously today and share this appeal with others you know.

Jesus said, Truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward. (Mark 9:42)

Truly, Jesus is not putting a heavy burden on us! Join us in reaching out and caring for the children, women, elderly and all people who are victims of the violent war in Lebanon.