Posted on September 28, 2024 September Update
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Your Stantons are back in action here in Hungary and beyond!

Once school started, September kicked off with the annual Téglás Gulyás Festival. Our school team competes with other locals, with our famous music teacher (and his twin brother) cooking Romanian Angus beef goulash. It was delicious!


Larry made his first trip to Serbia to deliver firewood and check on a home renovation project. He and Pastor Zoltán delivered 14 loads of firewood, helping 14 families stay warm this winter. This $2,000 cost was covered by generous donations to our Undesignated Specifics—thank you! We’ll do firewood again in October for 14 more families. Stay tuned.


A friend and member of the church has a home badly in need of repairs, so Larry and Zoltán have hired contractors to start soon. The work consists of:

Putting roof supports in place

Removing the front wall

Digging a new footing

Replacing the front wall

Installing new windows


He’ll be staying at the church for the 3-4 weeks it will take to complete the project. The estimated cost is $3,000. Again, this love service is made possible by our dear supporters—YOU.


School is back in session with all its lovely traditions. Every autumn our elementary school gets decorated with bounty from the local farms and gardens. It’s so beautiful! I posted a 30-second an update on our Facebook page. Be sure to follow:



At the EURO high school in Debrecen we have a new class and a new colleague, Valeria. Introducing myself to her and the new students, I got to answer my favorite question: why are you here? I’m a Baptist missionary, sent to tell you Jesus loves you! Thank you for sending us to share His great love.