Posted on August 28, 2024 Why give the first fruits of your life to God’s mission?
Why give the first fruits of your life to God’s mission?
Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops…” Proverbs 3:9

When we give the first fruits of our time and resources, we acknowledge that everything we have belongs to God. Donors like Richard “Dick” Juday also give their first fruits by taking part in God’s mission in ways that will help share the gospel with others.

For Dick Juday, both his career as an engineer working overseas and serving on a short-term mission trip helped open his eyes to see the needs of others beyond his home church and community. While in Lima, Peru, Dick shared that a few “God-things” happened, moments that showed God was on the move. This impacted him greatly and solidified the way he wanted to steward his money.

The mission team stayed in an eight-story dormitory for a local Bible college that had no working electricity. It hadn’t been Dick’s plan to do any electrical work, but God had other plans. Dick shared, “I, for some reason, had brought along a small 220-volt multimeter.” The resources for the original project were delayed, so the team looked for different ways to help.

Dick asked if he could give the issues a look, and within a few days, he and the team fixed all the electrical problems, making the dormitory completely electrically stable. The multimeter was put to great use! They even wired an entire rooftop apartment suite for the Bible college staff and students.

Image of Richard Juday“I felt I did more good for God in those three days than I ever have done for Him before or since. I wanted them to have working electricity more than I wanted to keep my money.” – Richard “Dick” Juday


This idea of putting others first and using his resources to make a
difference is the perspective through which Dick shared humbly about his giving to IM.

At 82 years old, Dick is finding new ways to give even more than before. He’s talked previously with IM about how to give through an IRA, but in more recent years, he’s worked with his tax attorney to come up with what he calls his “First Fruits” financial plan.

Because Dick is over the age of 73, he must take the required minimum distribution (RMD) from his IRA. Instead of taking the RMD and then giving donations, he gives his donations first, directly from the IRA, before taking the required minimum distribution. This has added tax benefits because it lowered his adjusted gross income.

Dick gives at the very beginning of the year, not just for the tax benefits, but because “it’s scriptural to give the first fruits to the Lord.” You can see why he named it the “First Fruits” plan! Of course, he emphasizes that anyone wanting to do this should consult with their own tax attorney and speak with IM’s donor services.

Another motivation for Dick’s eagerness to give the first fruits of his resources is because of the personal experiences he’s had with IM global servants. He not only meets with them when they come to speak at a church or conference but also hosts them in his home.

Dick has a special place in his heart for God’s mission. “I really am moved by the ministries of the global servants,” Dick shared. As he got to know the Clemmers, Borquists, and Coats throughout the years and learned how they are making a difference through their ministries, he feels fortunate to be able to give. For him, “That motivation thing—that’s a heart thing. I ask myself, ‘Who can do the most good?’ And if I don’t do it, who is going to do it? I want THEM to have it more than I want ME to.” This thoughtfulness led him to find a new way to give and make a difference through his IRA, to be both wise and generous with what God has given him.

That’s one of the great things about giving to International Ministries—When you give to IM, you know your donation is being stewarded to make a difference, to invite people to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and to equip the body of Christ for the good work of God’s mission around the world.

By making planned donations to IM’s General Fund through your IRA, with stocks/appreciated assets, gifts written into your will, or other innovative ways of giving, you offer up the first fruits of your own life to help God’s mission be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10b).

Would you be willing to give the first fruits of your finances today, whether through planned giving or a one-time gift? To learn more about planned giving, contact Marc Kirchoff, Director of Development, at


A Note from Sharon Koh

Your partnership helps IM be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ around the world. Our global servants and partners offer up the first fruits of their lives in service to God through the help of your generous giving to IM’s General Fund. I hope you’ll consider giving a gift today out of the abundance that God has blessed you with. We thank God for your partnership!

Together with you in mission,

Rev. Dr. Sharon Koh
Executive Director / CEO

P.S. A gift of support to IM’s General Fund through the reply envelope or scanning the QR code makes a significant difference in the lives of others through the good work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving your first fruits and partnering with us in God’s mission.

to donate today.