Posted on May 23, 2023 Lessons my grandkids taught me
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God teaches us lessons about faith and how to live a purposeful life. For me, my grandkids, Micah (5), Kayla (5), Anna (3), and Cassidy (4) have, through playful and fun activities, caused me to become more aware of lessons I can learn from them about faith and life.

During the pandemic when we were under lockdown, Micah, our oldest grandson was taught to pray. He would often hold my hand and pray before I went online to preach. His sweet words were offered up to God: “Dear Lord Jesus, please help grandpa preach good, in Jesus’ name amen.” As a little kid he was, through his child-like faith, carrying me in his heart and touching the heart of God. Recently Micah’s mom bought him a bible. He was so happy to have his own bible. I see him going to it often, and opening up the pages. I pray that he will continue with his excitement of God’s word.

Kayla, our second grandchild loves coloring, and when we are at the restaurant, her parents would get out her coloring book. After she colors, she usually invites me to join her, “Come grandpa, would you like to color, it’s your turn now.” Her irresistible and beautiful invitation to join in the coloring always gets a yes from me. I am reminded that all of us, can work together to color God’s world into a beautiful space with love, patience, kindness and the values taught to us in the Gospel.

Recently I was talking with Anna, our third grandchild. She remarked, “Hey grandpa, why are you leaving?” She often sits with me on the couch and puts her little arms around me. She seems to enjoy my being with her and feels happy in my company and when she asked why I was leaving, I sensed a tinge of sadness. I was reminded of our heavenly Father who is present with us all the time, who never leaves nor forsakes us.

Then, more recently, I was outside walking with Cassidy when she picked up a dandelion from the garden. “Look grandpa, see what I’m doing.” She was blowing the dandelion off into the air and was so fascinated by it and more especially by the fact that I was watching her do this. Her parents also told me that when she saw her teacher drinking soda, she jokingly said “That’s not good for your health.” Cassidy is the picture of fun and she reminds me that being a follower of Christ does not have to be dull and boring. I can make it a fun experience as Jesus showed us in the way he related to his disciples and ordinary people he met along His journey.

So, I am thankful to my grandkids for these lessons and I know there are lots more to come. In this time of waiting to be assigned and in the midst of raising support for my ministry with International Ministries, my grandkids continue to teach me lessons that I will use on this journey. May you allow these “little people” to teach you lessons about faith and life. God bless!