Posted on April 10, 2023 Twice Blessed
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We love how gifts from churches and friends in the United States continue to bless the people we serve! Goma is a city surrounded by tall mountains with underground streams that pour into a large lake in a region with abundant rainfall…yet access to water for the more than 1 million who live here is exceedingly difficult because of the lava base.

Since Mt. Nyiragongo erupted in 2021 and subsequent earthquakes destroyed most underground pipes, only two neighborhoods in Goma have running water. This means an arduous 30 to 40-minute walk to fetch and carry back heavy five-gallon containers strapped to one’s back (most often by women and girls).

You may know of the various buildings and classrooms we have built over the past five years which have been a blessing to hundreds of children who come for Sunday School and for those who cannot afford public school during the week: daily classes in literacy, English, computers, dance, Biblical leadership, etc. We also now have a new building for ministry to homeless children.

Faced with a water crisis and many buildings, we installed large gutters and attached those to a 5000-liter tank to be used by all for washing, cleaning, cooking etc.  



Jesus offers those who come to our doors at Heal Africa, ‘living water’ providing everlasting hope and salvation.  Also, to those whose burdens are heavy, there is abundant rainwater available from heaven above!

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3