Posted on May 13, 2020 McCurdy’s are Heading to Mexico

Dear Friends,

We have some exciting news to share with you all!

After much prayer and many conversations, it has become evident to us and International Ministries that God is calling our family to minister and partner with a new country of service. Joyfully we share with you that God is calling our family to minister in Mexico City at the invitation of the Baptist Theological Seminary, a partner of International Ministries.

We grieve saying goodbye to our partners, colleagues & friends in Costa Rica. But, we also look forward to what God has in store for us as a family in Mexico. Thank you for journeying with us in the many ways that you have over the past four years in Costa Rica and the past 6.5 years with IM. We pray that you will continue to journey with us as God is redirecting our steps. And that many more will join us on this journey.

At the very beginning of March, we (Peter & Sarah) traveled to Mexico City for a discovery trip. We spent a lot of time getting to know IM’s partner, Baptist Theological Seminary. Time was spent getting to know each other, the seminary community, potential bilingual schools for Sam & Elianna, Mexican culture & history, and potential housing options.

Throughout our trip God gave both of us little confirmations of His calling and how He is redirecting our steps. Every time we met with one of the leaders of the Seminary, there was an instant connection. It was as if old colleagues had gathered back together after having been working separately on other tasks. There was a sense of meshing of personalities and gifts to create a dynamic whole. This is of great importance once one knows the history of the seminary.

During our last day with them, it was a day of business. A lot of listening and learning about the rich history of the seminary, future visioning through their two-year strategic plan, and how God has provided and spoken to the leaders over the years.  Keith & Debbie Myers (IM missionaries from WV) video called in and it was a joy to see and talk with them. We are excited to be able to work alongside them in the work that they do through the seminary’s partner, CICEM.

The seminary has three people who are leading and teaching nearly all of the courses and handling the day to day ins and outs. They are are overwhelmed and feel like they can barely keep their heads above the water. They have been praying for a couple to come to the seminary and work alongside them full-time. We are the answer to their prayers. Join us in praising God for His direction and leading!

We know this is where God is leading us. The seminary leadership board works as a cohesive team in everything they do. This was something that we unfortunately didn’t experience in Costa Rica but desired in our ministry. They are excited to be able to incorporate our gifts into the many ministries that the seminary does.

We pray you can catch a glimpse of the excitement we have for where God is leading our family. We covet your prayers for our family, especially for the children, as this is another big transition. The children will be walking in faith as the big move to another new country happens. This means a new home, a new school, new friends, new church and many other new experiences. Pray for us ,as their parents, that we will guide them in godly wisdom during this current time and over the next several months.

Finally, since we are unable to visit churches right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic we created a video series for you & your church. Please watch them and share them. Simply click the image below to be taken to the videos series. Each individual video can be downloaded directly from Vimeo (Click on the Vimeo icon of the video you want to download. On Vimeo’s page, scroll down below the video and click on Download.)


Thank you for journeying with us and for your generous and faithful support.

Grace & Peace,

Sarah & Peter McCurdy

Global Servants to Mexico                                                                                                                            International Ministries