Posted on April 16, 2020 Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti ministering in discipleship formation in Colombia.

Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain, and Nicaragua. The BGs continue this work through UNIBAUTISTA with ethnic groups in Colombia, including in one of the most neglected areas of The Guajira-Northern Region. 

They write – International Ministries has asked each global servant to assess whether staying in the country of service was safe and if contingency plans have been prepared for each unit and their families. Some have returned to the USA. Some have stayed where they were. We had already returned to the USA last August and continued our ministry to Colombia from here so it was a matter of having our older children get home and continue their studies through online classes (the older two) and homeschooling (the younger one). Even in that we see God’s care for our family while we continue caring for our partners and beloved in Colombia though we are not physically there. 

Holy Week is our opportunity to shout to the fullest of our lungs the hope we have in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ! There is no coronavirus that can prevent us from being bold amidst this pandemic that, beyond all the sadness and heartache each of the 90k plus deaths provoke in the hearts of the relatives and loved ones, we have hope in Christ who came as a human being, lived amongst us, gave His life out of love for you and me, and ROSE FROM THE DEAD defeating death once and for all… He even left account in His Word and His Spirit for all to have access to this good news! How can we not rejoice this Holy Week in celebrating this absolute truth even if we cannot meet in any sanctuary other than the sanctuary of our homes and our hearts?!? …  

For almost 20 years we have been serving and moving from one place to the next as moved by the Spirit and needed in each of the countries where we have been. In the midst of each move we have continued learning and developing the materials and now we have the opportunity to really focus our attention to get it as close to the finish line as we can during this quarantine. So, here are our two requests: 

* Please continue to pray for us and continue your ongoing financial support during this time of completing the development of this materials so we can really focus, be inspired, and effective in our writing/editing/translating. 

* Please forgive us for not being too active in social media or regular communications while we focus in the task at hand. Think of us as hibernating during quarantine, except hibernating is to sleep through a season and we are definitely not sleeping this one out! 

 …  As you and we #StayHome let us continue to pray, read and study His Word, encourage one another (especially those who are alone at home), and remember that this too shall pass and we have been given the opportunity to share good news to those around us who feel hopeless and in despair. 

[Read their full journal at ]