Posted on June 5, 2016 40 Years!
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On June 6th, Jeanine and I celebrate the fortieth anniversary of our appointment by International Ministries.  Forty is a significant number in our Scriptures.  A few examples follow.  Jesus was in the wilderness forty days.  Moses was in the wilderness forty years with the Israelites!  Before that he was also in exile forty years, after forty years of preparation in Egypt.  Moses was even on the mountain to receive the two stone tablets for forty days.

Over these last forty years, we have sometimes wondered if we were wandering in the wilderness.  Each time God resoundingly communicated the same message: “Carry on. I have sent you.  Do not get distracted.”  And you who have supported us over these last forty years have never wavered.

Unlike Moses, we have not been limited to seeing the promises of God materialize in the distance.  Instead, we have had the privilege of having front row seats in the most magnificent drama we could have imagined.  And we have had the unspeakable privilege of being able to walk with some amazing people through their wilderness and temptations as they made their journey to faith in Jesus.

We look back with overwhelming joy and gratitude.  Over and over again we have had the rare privilege of divine assurance that we are exactly where God wants us to be at exactly the right time doing exactly what God wants us to do.  God, working directly and through you who are our partners in prayer and financial support along with the leadership of International Ministries, and the Australian Baptists, who have so graciously received us as one of their own, has made these last forty years ministry possible.

With hearts so full of joy and gratitude that it is causing my eyes to overflow,

Walt and Jeanine