Posted on January 25, 2025 It All Comes Back Around
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When It All Comes Back Around

The other day I received a kind affirmation from a former participant of the Training of Conflict Transformation Trainers that I co-facilitated in Santiago, Cuba in 2018.  She is now the current director of Centro Lavastida, the Christian social service agency where we held the TCTT.  She said, “Recuerdo muy bien el taller que hubo de Transformación de Conflictos, todavía están muchos de los asistentes trabajando en eso. Si se repite esa formación me gustaría recibirla pues en mi nueva responsabilidad es muy necesaria. Muchas gracias por el ministerio tan hermoso que desarrolla!”

“I remember the workshop on Conflict Transformation very well. Many of the attendees are still practicing these tools. If this training is repeated I would like to receive it because of my new responsibility. It is very necessary. Thank you very much for the beautiful ministry you develop!”

We are in conversation about expanding our CoLab Cuba: Expressive Arts in Transition training to various regions throughout Cuba, starting with another cohort in Santiago. Thanks to a generous grant from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, we are able to offer training, supervision and support for grassroot Cuban leaders in arts-based psychosocial and spiritual support. These funds are collected each year from the American Baptist Churches throughout the US to be distributed for crises and development projects locally and around the world.

For almost 25 years I have been working in partnership with International Ministries partners and faith communities. My ministry has evolved and expanded over the years: from supporting pastoral leaders through theological education, to human trafficking prevention, education, and restoration ministry, to conflict transformation and now global consulting and training in the expressive/restorative arts. God has been forming and shaping my ministry over these many years.  I count on the faithful friendship and support of so many people like you who invest in the good that God is doing through communities around the world. The relationships that have been built over the years are bearing fruit to this day. It is such a gift to be able to witness growth, desire for learning and love in the lives of folks like Heidi in Santiago. Your partnership is such an encouragement to me, especially in these times of global stress and change. Thank you for making it possible for me to see glimpses of unity, grace and hospitality embodied in our global kin. It helps to counteract the newsbites of division, gruesomeness and hostility that discourage my soul.

Please pray for the start of two new cohorts of Expressive Arts facilitators in Cuba in April/May of this year.

Tomorrow at my home church in Olympia, WA we will be praying for and sending off Sarah, Luis, and Nora Matos to their new International Ministries call in Oaxaca, Mexico. After many years of raising up a sustainable support team, they will engage in hands-on ministry with our Mexican partners. While my family and I served in Costa Rica, Sarah came to live and learn with us. It is a joy to witness the fruit of this mentoring relationship blossom. Please pray for the transition and lifegiving transformation of this global servant family as they begin their new journey in Mexico.

I am so grateful for the 11% increase in my ministry support in the last few months. Thanks to new monthly, increased, and year end givers that makeup my ongoing support team. Thanks be to God. I am praying and trust that the 20% more ($2000 a month) of my total support goal will be met soon in order to continue and sustain the global work God has called me to. Thank you for being an integral part of my life over these many years. You make a difference not only in me, but in the World.



In case you or someone you know would like to partner with me in this work, here’s the link to learn more: