Posted on October 8, 2024 Reflecting on His Healing
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Sometimes, it’s easier to do these medical missions where we can address the apparent needs. There’s structure and often a measurable time for the outreach event and healing process. But it’s a tool (just as much as going out to lunch with a coworker, studying for an exam with a classmate, or playing basketball with the bros at the gym) to start that relationship with someone who needs Jesus. We implore you to be bold and be a walking testimony of the Gospel today.

Because we are foreigners, we have to approach others of different cultures and faiths with love and wisdom. It takes time to build relationships and trust with people who are not like us. Please be in prayer for us as we continue sharing the Gospel through word and deed here in this region. We are praying for all of you too!

1 Peter 3:15
2 Corinthians 5: 11-21