Posted on October 28, 2019 The White Cross Container Has Arrived!
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At 6H30 am, a text message on my phone announced the imminent arrival of the LONG awaited White Cross container of supplies and rolled bandages!  It would be delivered in one hour.  Prepare to unload 30 tons of goods immediately.  What a wonderful surprise!  The last container arrived two and a half years ago.

The container truck pulls onto the shoulder of the narrow road in front of the Baptist headquarters.  It’s far too long to turn the corner into the compound.

It takes a pickup truck, a team of ten strong men, and brute force to move …
boxes of rolled bandages weighing 260 lbs each.
The largest boxes go in the ware house first.
My jeep made a dozen trips carrying smaller boxes.

The team pauses for a photo souvenir: White Cross Container 2019

With three storerooms filled to the ceiling and the container empty the team pauses for a photo souvenir:  White Cross Container 2019.
The white uniforms worn by these nurses came in the last container.  Both patients and staff await the newly arrived supplies.
Baby kits are used with joy in hospitals to encourage mothers to deliver their babies in safe conditions.
The arrival of these supplies are a tremendous blessing that will boost the work done by medical providers in our Baptist partner hospitals and improve the care received by patients: baby kits, rolled bandages, scrubs, operating gowns, nurses uniforms, gauze, plastic sheeting, and more. In spite of the challenges; high shipping costs, capricious importation requirements, and problematic in-country logistics, “White Cross” supplies, and the prayers they represent, bring joy and encouragement. Along with me, medical providers and patients in our Baptist hospitals in Congo send heartfelt thanks for 100 years of faithfulness to White Cross through International Ministries.

God bless you!

Katherine signature

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