October 4, 2017
Bangladesh – Safe Birthing
31%Support Raised
Health and Wellness
GoalThe goal of this project is to deliver a range of maternal and child health services, including antenatal and postnatal care and a safe birthing facility in Bangladesh.
SummaryThis project seeks to raise $19,256 to establish a new maternal and child health facility in one of the poorest areas of northern Bangladesh.
DescriptionFor women living in remote rural areas of Bangladesh, accessing skilled help during pregnancy and childbirth is difficult, resulting in high child and maternal mortality rates. In response to this need, IM partner Symbiosis has trained a number of community birth attendants who are ready to assist mothers in one of the poorest areas of Bangladesh to ensure safer birthing.
Suggested Gifts$100 provides antenatal checkups for 160 women.
$250 buys essential medicines for 400 women.
$500 pays the quarterly wage of a community birth attendants.
Prayer RequestsPlease pray with Symbiosis in Bangladesh that this project would touch the lives of many mothers and help lead to many safe births.
Managed ByWhite, Walt & Jeanine